Learn Redux Toolkit with a real-world project: build a shopping cart with tips and tricks + bonus.
Hello, I am Gennaro.
Freelance Front End Developer.
Welcome to my personal site! Here, I share projects, articles, and tutorials on web development.
I am passionate about programming and specialize in technologies such as Angular, React, Next.js, and Node.js
If you are interested in collaborating or have a challenging project in mind, I am looking for new opportunities. You can contact me at LinkedIn to learn more.
My skills
My latest articles and guides
Discover how to use Display Flex in CSS to create modern and responsive layouts.
Introduction to TypeScript: improve your JavaScript with typing.
Discover how the Event Loop works in JavaScript and why it is fundamental for asynchronous programming.
Complete Guide to this, call, apply, and bind
Best JavaScript tricks and tips
Essential git commands.
Tutorial: How to cancel a merge in Git.